Kitchen measurement and temperature cheat sheet infographic

The Giant Kitchen Cheat Sheet [Infographic]

I'm always looking for substitution cheat sheets.  I cook from a lot of different books and recipes, some are metric, some are imperial.  Sometimes my 1/3 cup measuring cup is dirty and I need to do some fast figuring on what I can use to achieve the right measurement.

Kitchen measurement and temperature cheat sheet infographic

This infographic is too good not to share.  While it says it caters to UK measurement, I find it handy for cooking and baking in the US also. It has every measurement, temperature, cut of meat, freezer storage recommendation, or cooking time you can think of, and a few I'd never thought about.  This is definitely handy and worth a bookmark!

If you'd like to find a printable version of this cheat sheet, visit the Everest kitchens page.

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