Crab Cakes

As an appetizer or main course you cannot go wrong with homemade crab cakes. Many people love king crab but they taste just as delicious delicious with dungeness crab. While there is imitation crab meat available I only recommend this if you cannot get fresh crab meat. Also canned crab meat is just not as good as fresh.

Ingredients You Need

3 Cups of Crab Meat
2 Egg Yolks
1/4 Teaspoon of Salt
Pepper Grinder
1 Small Onion
Fresh Parsley
1/2 Cup of Sourdough Starter
Olive Oil

Supplies You Need

Large Frying Pan
Mixing Bowl
Measuring Cups
Measuring Spoons
Electric Beaters
Cutting Board
Paring Knife
Wax Paper

Making the Crab Cakes

Begin by placing your sourdough starter and egg yolks in the mixing bowl and mixing on high with the electric beaters. Set aside.

Take your cutting board and mince 2 tablespoons of parsley and 4 tablespoons of onion. Add these to the mixing bowl and beat with electric beaters.

Dump the three cups of crab meat into the bowl and mix with a fork as to not turn the crab meat into puree. Then add the salt and grind fresh pepper over the top. Mix together well.

Tear out a large piece of wax paper and place it on the counter.Take the crab meat mixture and divide it into eight equal balls on the wax paper. Using your fork squish the middles of the balls to create patties.

Turn your burner on medium high and place some olive oil on the bottom. Once fully heated place two or four crab cakes on the pan at a time. Make sure there is enough space to get your spatula in between to flip them.

Once the crab cakes are brown on the first side flip them until they brown on the other side. They should be a golden brown not burnt so make sure you do not let them cook too long. Add a little more olive oil if needed.

Once all the crab cakes are cooked place them on a platter with a cup of mayonnaise or tartar sauce and serve immediately. Tartar sauce is 2 parts mayonnaise to 1 part pickle relish. Easy and delicious. Enjoy!

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