Taco Dip with Corn Chips

Whether you need a quick meal or an appetizer to take to a party, taco dip is a wonderful recipe. It is made from the same ingredients as you traditional taco dinner with the addition of cream cheese. This makes the dip a great way to enjoy all the wonderful flavors of tacos without all the mess. Read on to learn how to make this delicious dish.

Ingredients You Need

Medium Sweet Onion
Romaine Heart Lettuce
Package of Cherry Tomatoes
8 Ounce Block of Mild Cheddar Cheese
8 Ounces of Cream Cheese
1 Pint of Sour Cream
1 Pound of Ground Hamburger
1 Package of Taco Mix
Large Bag of Corn Tortilla Chips

Supplies You Need

Deep Dish Pie Plate
Cutting Board
Paring Knife
Large Spoon
Sauce Pan

Making the Taco Dip

Begin by browning your ground hamburger in the sauce pan on medium heat. Drain all the fat out of the pan and take it off the heat. Then peel the outer layer off the sweet onion and dice it into tiny pieces.

Turn the heat to low and add the onions to the hamburger. Mix it around for about two minutes on low before adding the cream cheese and taco seasoning. Heat the mixture thoroughly and then turn the heat off.

Pour the seasoned hamburger in the bottom of your deep dish pie plate with the spoon. Using your grater make shredded cheese out of the mild cheddar and spread it over the top of the hamburger.

Next dump the pint of sour cream on top and spread it around so it is an even coat on the dip. Then wash the cherry tomatoes and lettuce. Cut the tomatoes in half and slice the romaine into thin pieces.

Finally put the last layers of the taco dip on by adding a layer of lettuce and tomatoes. Serve immediately with a bowl of corn tortilla chips. Enjoy!

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