How to eat lower on the food chain

How to Eat Lower on the Food Chain

How to eat lower on the food chainEating low on the food chain can improve your health and the environment too

Never before has the message and necessity of adopting a healthy lifestyle been more urgent. In recent years, it’s been increasingly difficult to turn on the television and not see messages from the FDA and USDA urging consumers to return certain fruits, vegetables, and other products to stores because they have been contaminated either in their natural environments or in the process of being brought to sellers. With the rampant use of pesticides, hormones, and other chemicals, consumers face some really difficult decisions in deciding what foods they should purchase and consume.

Here are some tried and true tips for incorporating healthier food chain consumption.

Eating low on the food chain

Eating low on the food chain is one way in which food selection can be made safer, healthier, and in some instances, even more affordable. The term “eating low on the food chain” refers to adopting a lifestyle and diet in which humans, whom are at the top of the food chain, eat foods that are at the bottom of the chain. These foods include plants, nuts, fruits, vegetables and grains.

What are the benefits of eating lower on the food chain?

By eating foods that are lower on the food chain, consumers are able to:• Closely monitor the additives, preservatives, and other chemicals that are in their foods
• Reduce their risk of being affected by food recalls
• Enjoy more foods for less money, since most foods that are low on the food chain cost less than those that are higher (i.e. meat)
• Improve their health by reducing or eliminating meats and processed products that are high in fat and toxins
• Help to save the environment

Changing our diets can change our world
The consumption of meat not only taxes our bodies but the environment as well. Raising livestock takes a considerable toll on our environment in a number of ways including:

Land usage- Animals require land in order to grow and graze. In addition, millions of acres of land are used to raise foods that are fed solely to animals. By reducing our dependency on animals as a food source, we could use this land to plant produce, grains, and organic products for human consumption.

Pollution- The use of pesticides, hormones, and other chemical agents are hazardous to the land, water, and the air that we breathe. Use of these agents has been shown to cause illness and diseases as severe as cancer. The fewer animals that are needed to feed the demand for food by consumers, the less of a need there will be for these harmful agents.

Ways to incorporate eating low on the food chain in your diet
Contrary to common belief, eating low on the food chain is not complicated and nor does it have to be expensive. By making simple changes in the way we think and in our shopping habits, we can begin eating healthier and conserving the environment as well.

Here are few tips that you can incorporate today:

Buy locally and buy fresh- Even the government isn’t always sure where our food comes from, which is a frightening thought. By purchasing food from local food providers such as farmer’s markets, meat shops, and even neighbors with a penchant for gardening, you can take advantage of fresher food and reduce the amount of natural resources that are needed to bring it to market, specifically gas.

Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables and reduce your meat consumption-This is truly the basis for adopting a low food chain lifestyle and is the foundation for any good eating plan. Eating fruits and vegetables will boost energy, provide essential vitamins and nutrients, and yield a true sense of satiation.

Eat organic foods- Organic foods are free of fertilizers, pesticides, and preservatives. Purchasing organic foods takes the guess work out of shopping and helps to ensure that you and your family are receiving only the best ingredients, the natural ones.


  1. Tami 8 April, 2009 at 08:41

    “Eating lower on the food chain” definitely has its health benefits. Cutting meat out of your diet just once a week reduces the amount of saturated fat you consume by 15%, which in turn lowers your risk of diabetes, stroke, heart disease and certain cancers.

    You also make a great point about the benefits of eating greener on the environment. Even the smallest change can make a huge difference. For example, if every American replaced one chicken meal per week with a vegetarian one, the carbon dioxide savings would be the same as taking more than a half-million cars off U.S. roads.

    I work on a public health campaign called Meatless Monday which encourages Americans to reduce their carbon footprint and risk of preventable illnesses by skipping meat one day a week. Its a simple step everyone can take! You can find out more about us by visiting our website,

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