Five Delicious Ways to Eat Your Morning Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a wonderful way to start your day and is great for giving yourself a nice energy boost.

As an alternative to instant oatmeal and sugar filled cereals you should try eating old fashioned oatmeal every day. It tastes great and takes about ten minutes to make.

Give these five ways of preparing your oatmeal a try. See if you can enjoy this delicious and nutritious food.

Preparing the Oatmeal

The nice thing about old fashioned oats is that the nutrients are still all intact. When they make oatmeal instant it takes out a lot of the good nutrients. To keep your breakfast as healthy as possible make sure you pick up a container of old fashioned oatmeal.

To make the oatmeal you want to put a small saucepan on the stove and turn the burner onto high heat. Since you are old using about one and one quarter cups of water for two servings it is amazing how fast the water boils.

Once the water comes to a boil add your oats and turn the heat to medium. Stirring every minute for about five to seven minutes keep the oats and water boiling. After the five to seven minutes are up your oats should be tender and ready to eat.

Maple Syrup and Milk

Place a serving of oatmeal in your bowl and add about two or three tablespoons of maple syrup and a quarter cup of milk. Mix well until the milk and syrup are all over the oatmeal. The real maple syrup is so much better than fake maple syrup since most of the imitation maple syrups are made with corn syrup or high fructose corn syrup. If you do not have any real maple syrup then make some imitation maple syrup with sugar, water and maple flavoring.

Yogurt and Fresh Fruit

For another great old fashioned oatmeal breakfast add a half of a cup of vanilla yogurt and a half of a cup of fresh fruit. Things like peaches, nectarines, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and black berries are best in yogurt. You can also use maple yogurt for extra flavor which tastes great with fruit.

Honey and Milk

Another natural sweetener that is great for using in your oatmeal is honey. Spun honey, raw honey and flavored honeys are great to use as well. There are many bee keepers that make fruity honeys so give different ones a try when you go to the market. You can eat your oatmeal with or without milk but adding a quarter cup of milk to a serving of oatmeal helps make it a little juicier.

Agave & Milk

One of the more popular sweeteners of choice these days are different agave syrups. They sell flavored agave syrups at the grocery store and these are great to add to your oatmeal. Add about a tablespoon of agave syrup and a quarter cup of milk to your oatmeal, stir and eat. This is a delicious alternative to honey and maple syrup.

Jams & Preserves

The final suggestion for making your morning oatmeal is to add a bit of jam or preserves. These taste great and there are many more flavors to choose from. Pick your favorite flavored jam or preserve and put about a tablespoon in your serving of oatmeal. Then all you need to do is stir and enjoy.

Enjoy Your Oatmeal

With old fashioned oatmeal all you really need is a little flavor and moisture to make it the perfect texture to enjoy. Try your oatmeal different ways to give yourself variety at breakfast throughout the week. It is so good for you to eat oatmeal every day so if you can find ways to make it new and exciting then it will never get boring.

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