Simple and Delicious Baked White Fish

If you are looking for an easy recipe to make for dinner tonight, than this is the perfect meal. Baked white fish is both delicious and healthy for you. There are only a handful of ingredients involved and the baking part is pretty straight forward. While we prefer cod there are plenty of other white fish at the market. See what is on sale or looks the most fresh as those are two good indicators when purchasing fish. Read on to find out how to make this delicious dinner.

Ingredients You Need

• 2 Large Filets of Fresh White Fish
• 2 Cups of 1%, 2% or Whole Milk
• 6 Tablespoons of Butter
• 1 Roll of Ritz or 1 Package of Club Crackers
• 1 Bottle of Lemon Juice or Large Fresh Lemon

Supplies You Need

• Large Baking Dish
• Measuring Cups
• Gallon Size Re-sealable Bag
• Kitchen Hammer
• Large Spatula

Making the Fish Dinner

• Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
• Take your fish filets and wash them in cold water. Allow to drip most of the water off and place them in the bottom of your large baking dish.
• Measure out the milk and pour it over the fish allowing the fish to lay in a pool of milk.
• Cut six 1 Tablespoon slices of butter off and place three evenly apart on each of your two filets.
• If you plan on making any sides be sure to prepare them at this point because you do not want to overcook the fish. It will take about 20 minutes to cook so start the rice enough time in advance.
• Once you are 20 minutes away from wanting to eat place the baking dish of fish into the oven. Set the timer for 10 minutes. While it is baking you can make the crumb topping.
• Take your package of crackers and pour them all into the gallon re-sealable bag. Place them on a counter or table and beat well with your kitchen hammer to make medium size bread crumbs.
• Once the timer goes off, pull out the rack in your oven with the dish and pour half of the cracker crumbs on each fish filet. Place the dish back in the oven for an additional 10 to 12 minutes.
• Remove the baking dish from the oven and serve immediately with your sides on each plate and lemon juice squeezed over the top of the fish. This should serve 2 to 4 adults. Enjoy!

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