
This simple appetizer is a great choice when entertaining guests or going to a party. With good sliced Italian bread toasted in the oven you can easily throw a batch of bruschetta together. This delicious bread topping can be made with many different ingredients but they all have three main ingredients; olive oil, garlic and ripe tomatoes. Read on to learn how to make this tasty version of bruschetta.

Ingredients You Need

1 Loaf of Italian Bread
2 Pints of Grape Tomatoes
4 Cloves of Garlic
4 Shallots
1 Cup of Fresh Basil Leaves
1/3 Cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
¼ Cup of Balsamic Vinegar
Sea Salt
Pepper Grinder

Supplies You Need

Pastry Brush
Paring Knife
Cookie Sheet
Sharp Bread Knife
Cutting Board
Measuring Cups
Measuring Spoons
Mixing Bowl

Making the Bruschetta

You want to start by preheating your oven to 300 degrees Farenheit. Then cut your tomatoes in halves and place them into the bottom of your mixing bowl. Measure and pour your olive oil and balsamic vinegar over the tomatoes and set aside.

Next peel your cloves of garlic and mince them along with your shallots. Then sprinkle the garlic and shallots all over the tomatoes. Mix together well and set aside.

Wash and dry your fresh basil leaves and then chop them finely and put them in your mixing bowl. Mix all ingredients in the bowl together well and then salt and pepper to taste. Place the bowl in the fridge to allow the flavors to come out and soak into the tomatoes.

While the topping is in the fridge take your fresh Italian bread and cut it into one inch slices. Make sure your knife is nice and sharp so the cuts are nice and smooth. Then place a little olive oil in a bowl and use your pastry brush to brush the slices with olive oil on both sides.

Put the slices on the cookie sheet and place them in the oven. Toast until the bread slices are a light golden color and take them out immediately. Burnt toast will not taste good. Then cut the toast in half and arrange the slices of bread on a tray or a couple of large plates.

Take your mixing bowl out of the refrigerator and use a large spoon to put a pile of the mix on each piece of toast. Serve immediately and enjoy.

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