5 perfect spring dutch oven recipes

5 Great Spring Dutch Oven Meals

Take some awesome spring ingredients, throw in some chilly spring days - and you will find the perfect canvas for some amazing dutch oven recipes.

We combed through the archives to find 5 that feature, or can easily feature, some awesome spring vegetables for you.  Highlighting the bounty of the season is the ultimate coup for a home chef.  It makes our kitchens feel like the trendiest of restaurants, and if you're growing your own 'bounty' finding ways to use it is imperative.

These recipes take advantage of great ingredients - let us know what you think!

1) Purslane in Anything - I bet you've never heard of this green.  Some call it a herb, some a vegetable, some a weed.  The reality is - it grows wild a lot, and is very good for you.  Check out our Purslane recipes and see if you can get some in your area - you might even have it out in the yard!  We like to add this in place of spinach in our Tuscan Potato Soup, Add it to stir fry for some added depth, or compliment a hearty soup with our Purslane Cucumber Salad.

2) Roasted Chicken - Okay - not a spring vegetable - but a perfect canvas to compliment some roasted asparagus, or a really fresh salad of spring greens.  This bring the warmth of a dutch oven meal together with the fresh bounty of spring - a great pairing.

3) Baked Risotto - Our recipe is plain, but if you blanched some asparagus tips or spring peas and stirred in right before serving, you're going to take this dish to a whole new level of goodness.  Spring green vegetables make just about any rice or potato dish better.

4) Creamy Artichoke Soup - Simple, a great starter to an elegant meal or a hearty simple soup for dinner.  Showcase early spring artichokes and try this one yourself.  This is best with fresh artichokes, but frozen will work also

5) Hoisin Glazed Brussels Sprouts - Brussels Sprouts are a late spring/summer crop.  The beauty of this recipe is you can substitute in some beautiful sugar snap peas, or even some asparagus and put an elegant and simple side on the table.  Extremely tasty, elegantly presented, and so easy your family or guests will think you spent days preparing them, when it literally took minutes!

 5 perfect spring dutch oven recipes


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